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mainroad supports Surrey Community Leaders Awards

Right to Left: Real Charrois, GM Mainroad Lower Mainland & Howe Sound, with David Zerr, President & CEO Mainroad Group, present award to the recipients. Photo courtesy Evan Seal - Surrey Leader


Last night, June 8, a group of concerned citizens and those who wish to recognize them congregated at the Surrey Arts Centre for the 9th Annual Surrey Community Leader Awards.     The Surrey Leader Newspaper is behind this noteworthy cause – “The annual Community Leader Awards recognize the selfless, dedicated and courageous people who preform exceptional acts of service that make our community such a vibrant and beautiful place to live.”

Mainroad Group is a proud sponsor of the Emergency Services category- recognizing two emergency service workers who went above and beyond the call of duty to better their local community. Our congratulations extends to all nominees, including Emergency Services winner Assistant Commissioner Fraser MacRae, Officer-in-Charge at Surrey RCMP who won top honours, as well as Delta Police Sgt. Sharlene Brooks who received an Honourable Mention.