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Cone Zone BC Launching Once Again

The “Cone Zone BC” campaign is a road safety initiative that encourages drivers to take care when driving near roadside workers. The campaign educates drivers about roadside workspaces and what they can do to reduce the risk to both worker and driver reduce their speed, avoid driver distraction, and respect the roadside as a workplace when driving through the “Cone Zone.”

Cone Zone BC is dear to Mainroad’s British Columbia companies. We have seen the importance of roadside safety, and many of us have encountered near misses or worse. Mainroad, as a WorkZone Safety Alliance partner, places an emphasis on the people behind the cones. The workers on the road have families to get to and are ultimately out on the highway trying to keep the roads safe for the travelling public.

Every day, thousands of workers in British Columbia work in the “Cone Zone,” a high-risk environment in close proximity to traffic. Municipal workers, landscapers, flag people, tow-truck drivers, road construction and road maintenance workers, telecommunications and utility workers, and emergency and enforcement personnel all work in the “Cone Zone.”


Three Simple Acts Can Save a Worker’s Life.

1. Slow down and drive with extreme care near a Cone Zone.

2. Stay alert and minimize distractions. If you are using a hands-free device, end your call immediately.

3. Show respect for the person working at the side of the road. Make sure to give them space (move over to another lane if it’s safe to do so) and follow their signs and directions.