Summer brings increased traffic to our roads and highways. Mainroad reminds motorists and residents to slow down and move over for highway maintenance and all roadside workers. It’s the law.
Watch for Cone Zones within the Lower Mainland, Howe Sound, South Vancouver Island and the East Kootenays where Mainroad crews are working. Typical summer season highway maintenance activities include:
bridge deck repairs
chip-sealing and spray patching
continuous rest area maintenance and garbage pick up
crack sealing repairs
culvert repairs and ditch maintenance
ditch maintenance at various locations
dust control
grading on gravel roads
grinding and paving
installation of raised pavement markers
landscape maintenance
mowing of vegetation
patching potholes
pavement patching
paving in numerous areas
shoulder gravelling
sign cleaning and replacement
sign installation and repairs
We also have an active cycling community within our service areas that report road conditions and the need for sweeping cycle paths. As per our maintenance contract(s) with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, road sweeping is scheduled every 120 days and major bridge decks are swept every 30 days.
Mainroad aims to schedule maintenance activities during non-peak traffic periods and remind everyone to visit before heading out.
When approaching road maintenance crews, please slow down and drive with extreme care. Stay alert, minimize distractions and show respect for the person working at the side of the road. Every day thousands of workers in British Columbia are depending on drivers to keep control of their vehicle in a Cone Zone. Mainroad is an active supporter of the ConeZoneBC campaign.
Please report accidents, unsafe road conditions and road kill to our 24 hour hotlines.