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2017-2018 Winter De-icing Salt Orders

Mainroad De-Icing SaltMainroad Maintenance Products has built our reputation on ensuring a reliable, well-organized and efficient customer experience.   To ensure that this experience continues with as little disruption as possible, we are asking for your cooperation with the following Salt Order process, effective October 1, 2017:

~ All orders must be placed by calling the Salt Order Line at 604-240-7746 or by email

~ Regular order hours are Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm. During snow events the Order Line will be open 24hrs.

~ All orders will be fulfilled in as timely a manner as possible, however order fulfillment may take up to 2 regular business days to complete after time of order.

~ All orders must be accompanied by a valid MMP Quote number which includes our pricing, terms and conditions.

Locations and Regular Truck Loading Hours*:

Mainland Sand & Gravel
12500 No. 5 Rd, Richmond, BC7:00am – 3:30pm Monday – Friday*

Duke Point Depot
850 Maughan Rd, Nanaimo, BC
8:00am – 12:00pm Monday & Thursday* 

*In the case of a snow event, and when there is sufficient demand, operating hours at both locations will be extended as required.

Should you have any questions or concerns about this Salt Order process, please feel free to contact us at at the above noted phone and/or email any time.

Thank you for your continued support!