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Winter Operations FAQ | Mainroad Alberta Contracting LP

Winter driving conditions can be overwhelming to some drivers. In contract partnership with the Province of Alberta’s Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors, Mainroad Alberta’s plan for roads in the Central Alberta communities we serve is comprehensive and aggressive to get you safely to where you need to go.

During winter operations, Mainroad experiences a high volume of questions from the public. This resource aims to answer most frequently asked questions and provide other helpful resources. If you have additional questions, please contact Mainroad’s 24-hour public information hotline toll free at 1-877-875-3263. You may also visit the Safer Winter Highways resource for more information.

Your winter is our winter and Mainroad Alberta has every available resource working around the clock against winter conditions to keep our roads safe.

Winter Highway Classifications

Transportation and Economic Corridors prescribes patrol frequencies based on highway classification. This includes required response times to commence winter maintenance activities and the target time to restore good winter driving conditions and clean-up highways following a storm.

The province’s priority sequence allows us to make the best use of our resources.
If a route sees an increase in daily traffic, Transportation and Economic Corridors may upgrade its classification and increase highway operations on that route.

It is all about safety. Changes like this mean an increase in the maintenance commitment, resulting in more frequent patrols and quicker response times, more snow removal, winter material application, which is always a good thing when we see winter take hold.

Highway Patrol Frequencies

Transportation and Economic Corridors classifies highways and sets patrol frequencies. Our patrol vehicles are equipped with a unit that measures air and road temperatures and traction of the road surface to identify the appropriate winter material required.

What is the road/highway service area that Mainroad Alberta Contracting is responsible for maintaining?

Our maintenance contract oversees 4,600 kilometres of provincial highways surrounding and within the counties of Lacombe, Ponoka, Red Deer and Wetaskiwin, known as Transportation and Economic Corridors Contract Maintenance Areas 515 and 516. Learn more about Mainroad Alberta Contracting LP

Where are Mainroad's maintenance yards located?

Mainroad is delivering highway maintenance from four primary highway maintenance yards:

  • Red Deer
  • Ponoka
  • Innisfail
  • Winfield

In addition, Mainroad maintains three material reload sites located in Wetaskiwin, Alix and Rimbey.

How many Mainroad employees are working during winter operations?

Our fleet and crews are fully engaged in winter maintenance operations. We have more than 100 employees, plus mechanical support staff. Before, during and after storms, we deploy crew members who work 12-hour shifts, 7 days a week until highways are restored to good winter driving conditions as outlined by Transportation and Economic Corridors.

Why are there snowplow trucks parked in the yard instead of performing snow removal operations?

Great question and a frequent one ~ Mainroad crews work 12-hour shifts to provide 24-hour coverage during winter events. However, our trucks do need to return to the highway maintenance yards periodically during winter events to refuel and reload and to perform staff shift changes before continuing with winter maintenance activities. Mainroad continues winter maintenance activities during and after a winter event until good winter driving conditions are restored.

How often do crews patrol highways?

The Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors prescribes patrol frequencies based on highway classification. Mainroad completes winter highway patrols seven days per week during the winter to monitor road and weather conditions and ensure we respond accordingly to winter events. Our patrol vehicles are equipped with a unit that measures air and road temperatures and traction of the road surface to identify the appropriate winter material required. Mainroad patrollers report road conditions to Alberta’s Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors for public notifications on the Alberta 511 website.

How does Mainroad monitor weather and highways conditions?

Forewarned is forearmed, so we follow the forecast closely to stay on top of rapidly changing weather. We also provide information to 511 Alberta about highway conditions. The public should pay attention to 511 Alberta and local radio stations for up-to-date weather and road conditions to help them plan their day. Mainroad is constantly monitoring weather and highway conditions. To determine how best to protect drivers, we oversee weather in two ways:

1. Monitoring: Prior to, and during a storm event, our operators are on the road observing current conditions and making the calls as to what maintenance is required. One tool used by Mainroad is mobile information sensors that are directly installed on patrol vehicles to measure road conditions, and weather data such as temperatures, humidity, and dew points. This helps our crews manage the road surfaces.

Mainroad also receives data from weather monitoring systems owned by the Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors.

2. Forecasting: Mainroad uses data derived from Road Weather Information System (RWIS) stations that are owned by the Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors and situated throughout our maintenance areas for weather forecasting. Four roadside stations measure site-specific highway data such as pavement surface temperature and condition, precipitation, snow depth, air temperature, humidity, and wind.

Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors with a third-party consultant to analyse the data collected at the stations and prepare weather forecast information. Mainroad also contracts with a leading road weather forecaster to provide detailed area-specific weather forecasts twice a day during winter.

Environment Canada contributes to our weather watch with its regional forecasts. Combined with additional weather information from other sources, these tools help us predict road conditions.

Firsthand experience is also a big part of knowing our roads which is why Mainroad patrols the highways seven days a week during the winter.

What is Mainroad doing to prepare for a winter storm?

We attack winter aggressively starting with monitoring forecasts and proactively patrolling the Central Alberta Contract Maintenance Area. Ahead of a forecasted weather event and to prevent the formation of ice, Mainroad has the ability to deploy resources to pre-treat roads and highways with winter materials and/or anti-icing chemicals. Pre-treatment is only effective for certain types of weather events and is used as required and in accordance with our government contract.

The proactive use of an anti-icing liquid is a proven way to combat ice from forming on the highway surface. This technique is used throughout most highway maintenance jurisdictions in North America, as well as some municipalities in Alberta.

During severe weather events, we will have as many as 100 employees working in shifts through a 24-hour period – and we’ll do that daily until all provincial highways in our Central Alberta Contract Maintenance Areas meet our contractual requirements.

To keep the public informed, Mainroad shares regular road and weather updates with a list of various stakeholders, the Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors, 511 Alberta, and media. This helps everyone understand the current conditions, expected weather and Mainroad’s response. These updates are also posted on our X (formerly known as Twitter) account, @MainroadAlberta.

When a weather event occurs, (snow, freezing rain, flooding, etc.) Mainroad crews are working around the clock plowing, sanding and/or salting as conditions warrant and patrolling the service area.

What is the snow removal protocol?

Mainroad begins snow removal before accumulation reaches the maximum threshold on the highway surface based on highway classification in accordance with our government contract. The highway surface is maintained throughout any winter weather event to ensure accumulations remain below the specified contractual standard. Winter maintenance activities continue 24/7 during and following snowstorms until the highways we maintain are restored to good winter driving conditions as defined by our contract obligations.

Why are some roads plowed more than others? Which highways get plowing priority?

The Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors sets the criteria for Mainroad’s plowing response time based on highway classification. Priority is given to highways with higher classifications, such as major commuter routes with the majority of traffic.

When winter hits, we need to keep roads as clear as possible. We understand that it can be frustrating when all roads aren’t cleared immediately during and following any weather events, and we ask for your patience as we work around the clock to restore the roads as quickly as possible. If a storm is particularly fierce, our crews are mandated to focus on priority roads before turning to roads that have less traffic volume.

Adhering to the Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors’ priority approach allows Mainroad to make the best use of resources to keep roads as safe and reliable as possible. If you’re wondering why it’s taking a while to get a plow along your road, you can call us at our 24- hour hotline is 1-877-875-3263.

The roads are icy from snow and wind – why aren’t crews sanding the road?

During periods of high wind conditions, snow can drift in an instant and a road can be covered again in snow within minutes of a snowplow passing and clearing it. A cold winter wind can also impact icy road conditions.

To restore traction during winter operations, crews are applying sand and/or a sand-salt blend. However, during periods of high wind conditions, applied material can be blown off the road.
Depending on the road and weather conditions, applying winter salt can create a greater hazard as the road surface can then become wet and allow snow to stick. As such, Mainroad treats each winter storm differently, depending on a number of factors, including wind conditions, road temperature and snow fall rates.

During winter operations, road crews are working tirelessly through all types of weather conditions to patrol for road hazards and to apply winter materials as conditions warrant.

During extreme weather conditions that include whiteout conditions, it is advisable that drivers avoid travel until road conditions improve. Before heading out, check 511 Alberta for the up-to-date conditions in your local area.

I have seen Mainroad snowplows going down the road that were not treating the roads with plows or spreading materials, why is that?

Mainroad plows are working around the clock during winter operations, and all plows are assigned plow routes within the Contract Maintenance Area. Should you see a snowplow truck with its blade up, there may be a number of reasons why this is occurring:

  1. The operator is heading to an assigned plow route to begin the shift;
  2. The operator is returning to the yard to reload winter materials or has reached the end of the shift;
  3. During windy conditions, the operator may be patrolling the highway looking for areas of drifting snow. As such, the front plow would be raised until the next section of snow has been found, at which point the plow would be lowered to clear the highway. Materials will only be applied when road and weather conditions warrant;
  4. Plow blades are made of steel with carbide inserts–as the carbide wears out, the operator is required to check them frequently and may need to return to the yard to change out the blades.

What is purpose of a wing plow during winter operations?

Many of Mainroad’s plow trucks are fitted with truck-mounted wing plows, which are situated on thepassenger side of the truck. Depending on the unit, they are either 9 or 10 feet long and operate at about a 35-degree angle from the truck. This provides 6 to 7 feet of additional plow width, permitting one truck to do the work efficiently where before the work was done by two trucks. These plows sweep rather than cut and are intended for snow clearing.
Mainroad crews also operate a fleet of trucks that are mounted with dual-wing plows, enabling a left-hand wing to perform snow removal.–These trucks are typically utilized on the fast lane of a multi-lane highway.

Drivers should exercise caution when approaching any snowplows, and never attempt to pass on the right. You may not see the wing due to snow removal in progress, and even with the brightest warning lights, the truck operator may not see you.

Snowplowing is performed at speeds of 40-60 km/h–often less than that–so please be patient whenfollowing a snowplow. The operator will move over to let you pass when it is safe to do so.

Who ensures the work is being done properly?

Mainroad has a vigorous quality management program in place to track our performance against contract requirements.

Mainroad uses digital data collection to track and report on maintenance activities such as pothole fixes, garbage bin maintenance, and snow and ice control. Mainroad equipment also has AutomaticVehicle Location System (AVLS), which allows us to track and record our trucks in real-time and to quickly re-deploy the nearest available units when the need arises. The public can view the location of snowplows and winter maintenance vehicles on Alberta 511.

Mainroad has dedicated quality management staff who audit our performance regularly to assess compliance with our government contract. Should areas of concern be detected, measures are put in place to deal with shortcomings, and processes are quickly modified to prevent recurrence. Mainroad’s quality assurance programs are compliant with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards.

Transportation and Economic Corridors also inspects and audits Mainroad’s performance regularly to ensure that we are in compliance with contract requirements.

What materials does Mainroad use for winter road maintenance and when are these materials applied?

We use 3 types of materials:

  • winter abrasive (sand/salt blend)
  • anti-ice liquids
  • granulated road salt

The use of a specific material is determined by the weather forecast, road temperatures, actual weather conditions, and in accordance with the standards set by Transportation and Economic Corridors.

During a typical winter we will use approximately:

  • 15,000 Tonnes of Salt (1,700 truckloads)
  • 42,000 Tonnes of Sand (5,000 truckloads)
  • 2 Million Litres of Brine (300 truckloads)

Anti-icing Liquids: The proactive use of an anti-icing liquid is a proven way to combat ice from forming on the highway surface. This technique is used throughout most highway maintenance jurisdictions in North America, as well as in some municipalities in Alberta.

WHAT IS LIQUID BRINE? Our liquid anti-icing brine is a combo of water & crystal salt. Only during extreme cold do we use a small amount of calcium chloride as an additive to our liquid brine. Anti-icing liquids are used as a preventative material prior to snowfall. Using liquid brine solutions prior to snow or frost is proven to be more effective than salt because it begins to work immediately upon application to prevent the formation of ice. Click here to learn more about Mainroad’s liquid anti-icing brine program

What is Mainroad doing to respond to changing conditions during a storm event?

Weather can change rapidly in Central Alberta during winter, which is why Mainroad is constantly monitoring weather and highway conditions.

During a storm event, Mainroad crews will be working to clear the highway surfaces as quickly as possible. Snow removal activities are prioritized based on highway classification. Mainroad applies appropriate winter materials based on prevailing weather and road conditions. Salt is spread to meltsnow and ice and prevent it from sticking to the highway. However, salt loses its effectiveness attemperatures below -15 degrees Celsius. Sand is spread to provide traction on slippery highway surfaces, especially when it is too cold for salt to be effective. When weather conditions permit, we will commence anti-icing operations to facilitate removal of any compact snow off service area highways and roads.

We work to restore good winter driving conditions as quickly as possible after the weather event is over, prioritizing our winter maintenance and clean-up activities based on highway classification. However, challenging weather and cold temperatures may delay restoration of good winter driving conditions despite the best efforts of highway maintenance crews. During every storm event, Mainroad provides 511 Alberta with regular updates on highway conditions.

Where can I direct concerns about road conditions to Mainroad Alberta Contracting?

Mainroad Alberta Contracting

We appreciate public feedback! If you come across ahighway situation in Central Alberta that requiresmaintenance, changing road conditions, or debris, please call toll free 1-877-875-3263. Please be as descriptive as possible.

Mainroad’s Call Centre is available 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week. The Call Centre Operators will record all public feedback and forward the information to our crews on shift to respond, as well as dispatch additional personnel, and update 511 Alberta as needed.

You can also email Mainroad:

Social Media: We regularly post road and weather updates on our social media accounts. Please note: Mainroad’s Twitter account is not monitored 24/7, so it is best to contact our 24-hour hotline at1-877-875-3263.

We welcome you to follow us on social media–Mainroad Alberta Contracting currently maintains a X (formerly known as Twitter) account: @MainroadAlberta


Why do we see some of the trucks with blue revolving lights?

Mainroad Alberta is currently a part of the trial for the use of blue lights for highway maintenancevehicles in the province of Alberta. The purpose of the blue lights is to improve highway safety by increasing visibility of road maintenance vehicles working on Alberta highways. We have installedblue lights on a variety of different units, including pickup trucks and plow trucks. Please rememberto provide extra space around maintenance vehicles and workers, exercise caution when approaching any snowplows, and never attempt to pass snowplows on the right. Blue flashing lights will only be turned on when road maintenance vehicles are being used for highway construction, inspection, maintenance and safety investigations conducted on behalf of Alberta’s Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors.


How fast do snowplows drive?

While performing snow plowing activities, plows travel at a lower rate of speed than regular posted speed limits. In ideal conditions, the plow will drive anywhere from 50 to 70 km/hr. If we are experiencing windy conditions, the plow will travel at a significantly lower speed to adjust for the snow blowing behind them. When safe to do so, the plow will pull over to allow the travelling public to pass by.

Where can I find news about Mainroad?

Please visit our recent news page

Here’s what you can do to stay safe during winter driving conditions:

Visit 511 Alberta |

  • For current road conditions
  • For weather forecasts
  • For real-time conditions via webcams

Fall and winter weather can be unpredictable. During these months, we tend to experience all types of driving conditions including snow, high winds, heavy rain, fog, and icy conditions.

Listen and watch for road condition and weather reports and don’t travel if you don’t have to during severe weather events.

man scraping snow from windshieldVisit the Alberta Motor Association | Road Safety in Extreme Winter Weather

Give your vehicle a winter check-up and equip your family with a winter survival kit so you and your loved ones are not caught off guard when weather conditions deteriorate.

We encourage drivers to choose the best winter tires possible when driving in snow and ice, and to ensure tires are in good condition, with a minimum tread depth of 3.5 mm.

Test your tires with the toonie test.

We recommend drivers to equip their cars with emergency survival kits that include non-perishable food, blankets and first-aid supplies, windshield scraper and snow brush, extra windshield washer fluid, fuel line antifreeze, flares and matches or lighter, tire chains and gloves, shovel and traction mat, sand or kitty litter, flashlight and extra batteries, battery jumper cables, spare tire wheel wrench and jack, extra clothing and footwear and sandbags for extra weight.

Visit Emergency Preparedness | Learn how you and your family can prepare yourselves for an emergency or disaster.

Driving during winter driving conditions

Conditions change and so should the way you drive. Please SLOW DOWN, increase the distance between yourself and the vehicle in front of you, and drive for the conditions.

show down when conditions aren't ideal

Snowplow Safety Tips | Give time and space to the vehicles at work for you

Mainroad encourages the public to drive with caution around snowplow operations – when there’s ice and snow, take it slow!

Watch Alberta Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association’s Safer Winter Highways to learn more about snow plow safety.

Snowplows Safety Do’s and Don’t’s

Do……Turn on your head and taillights during heavy snow or rain, even during the day.

Do……Use winter-rated snow tires with the mountain-snowflake symbol.

Do……Watch for the flashing amber lights. It can be difficult to see snow removal equipment.

Do……Give snowplows plenty of space – about 10 car lengths. Salt and winter abrasives, as well as rocks and other debris in the snow, can fly – hitting nearby vehicles and decreasing visibility.

Do……Remember the road surface ahead of the plow hasn’t been plowed yet, therefore please slow down and be patient. The operator will eventually pull over when it is safe to do so to allow motorists to pass, so take your time, wait patiently and be safe.

Do……Pull safely as far over to the right as possible when you see a snowplow approaching from the opposite direction along an undivided highway. That way, you will be clear of any salt or winter abrasives that may come in your direction.

Do……Give the snowplow operator a wave when they pull over to let you pass. They are doing the job for you!

Don’t……Assume the snowplow operator can see you, especially if you’re driving too close and visibility is poor (which it often is in snowstorms). Your best defense is to keep your distance.

Don’t……Pass snowplows. It is simply not safe. When drivers attempt to pass a plow truck, they put themselves, their passengers, the snowplow operator and other motorists at risk. The plow could be equipped with a wing blade on its left or right side, which can be obstructed by the snow it’s throwing. The plow also may be the first of a series of two to four more plows, staggered diagonally across the road to clear all lanes simultaneously. This practice is called Echelon Plowing and would require the unwise driver to make multiple unsafe passes.

Don’t……Tailgate. Tailgating any vehicle puts you at risk of a collision; tailgating a piece of heavy equipment armed with plows only increases your risks of getting into a serious car accident.

Drivers may not be aware…Snowplows must travel slower than regular traffic when pushing snow and spreading salt and winter abrasives.

Snowplows stop at railway crossings to ensure it is safe to cross and that the plow blade will clear the track.

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Winter Operations FAQ | Mainroad Alberta Contracting LP

Winter driving conditions can be overwhelming to some drivers. In contract partnership with the Province of Alberta the Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors, Mainroad Alberta’s plan for roads in the Central Alberta communities we serve is comprehensive and aggressive to get you safely to where you need to go.

During winter operations, Mainroad experiences a high frequency of questions from the public. This resource aims to answer most frequently asked questions and provide other helpful resources. If you have additional questions, please contact Mainroad’s 24-hour public information hotline toll free at 1-877-875-3263. You may also visit the Safer Winter Highways resource for more information.

Your winter is our winter and Mainroad Alberta has every available resource working around the clock against winter conditions to keep our roads safe.

Winter Highway Classifications

Transportation and Economic Corridors classifies highways in priority sequence based on traffic volumes and function. Highway classification dictates the winter maintenance response that Mainroad must follow. This includes required response times to commence winter maintenance activities and the target time to restore good winter driving conditions and clean-up highways following a storm.

The province’s priority sequence allows us to make the best use of our resources.

Highway Patrol Frequencies

Transportation and Economic Corridors prescribes patrol frequencies based on highway classification. Mainroad completes winter highway patrols seven days per week during the winter to monitor road and weather conditions and ensure we respond accordingly to winter events. Our patrol vehicles are equipped with a unit that measures air and road temperatures and traction of the road surface to identify the appropriate winter material required.

What is the road/highway service area that Mainroad Alberta Contracting is responsible for maintaining?

Our maintenance contract oversees 4,600 kilometres of provincial highways surrounding and within the counties of Lacombe, Ponoka, Red Deer and Wetaskiwin, known as Transportation and Economic Corridors Contract Maintenance Areas 515 and 516. Learn more about Mainroad Alberta Contracting LP

Where are Mainroad's maintenance yards located?

Mainroad is delivering highway maintenance services from four primary highway maintenance yards:

  • Red Deer
  • Ponoka
  • Innisfail
  • Winfield

In addition, Mainroad maintains three material reload sites located in Wetaskiwin, Alix and Rimbey.

How many Mainroad employees are working during winter operations?

Our fleet and crews are fully engaged in winter maintenance operations. We have more than 100 employees, plus mechanical support staff. Before, during and after storms, we deploy crew members who work 12-hour shifts 7 days a week until highways are restored to good winter driving conditions, as outlined by the Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors.

Why are there snowplow trucks parked in the yard at 8:00 am instead of performing snow removal operations?

Great question and a frequent one ~ Mainroad crews work 12-hour shifts to provide 24-hour coverage during winter events. However, our trucks do need to return to the highway maintenance yards periodically during winter events to refuel and reload and to perform staff shift changes before continuing with winter maintenance activities. Mainroad continues winter maintenance activities during and after a winter event until good winter driving conditions are restored.

How often do crews patrol highways?

The Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors prescribes patrol frequencies based on highway classification. Mainroad completes winter highway patrols seven days per week during the winter to monitor road and weather conditions and ensure we respond accordingly to winter events. Our patrol vehicles are equipped with a unit that measures air and road temperatures and traction of the road surface to identify the appropriate winter material required. Mainroad patrollers report road conditions to Alberta’s Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors for public notifications on the Alberta 511 website.

How does Mainroad monitor weather and highways conditions?

Forewarned is forearmed, so we follow the forecast closely to stay on top of rapidly changing weather. We also provide information to 511 Alberta about highway conditions. The public should pay attention to 511 Alberta and local radio stations for up-to-date weather and road conditions to help them plan their day. Mainroad is constantly monitoring weather and highway conditions. To determine how best to protect drivers, we monitor weather conditions in two ways:

1. Monitoring: Prior to, and during a storm event, our operators are on the road observing current conditions and making the calls as to what maintenance is required. One tool used by Mainroad is

mobile information sensors that are directly installed on patrol vehicles to measure road conditions, and weather data such as temperatures, humidity, and dew points. This helps our crews manage the road surfaces.

Mainroad also receives data from weather monitoring systems owned by the Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors.

2. Forecasting: Mainroad uses data from Road Weather Information System (RWIS) stations that are owned and operated by the Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors and situated throughout our maintenance areas for weather forecasting. Four roadside stations measure site-specific highway data such as pavement surface temperature and condition, precipitation, snow depth, air temperature, humidity, and wind.

The Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors contracts with a third-party consultant to analyse the data collected at the stations and prepare weather forecast information. Mainroad also contracts with a leading road weather forecaster to provide detailed area-specific weather forecasts twice a day during winter. 

Environment Canada contributes to our weather watch with its regional forecasts. Combined with additional weather information from other sources, these tools help us predict road conditions. 

Firsthand experience is also a big part of knowing our roads which is why Mainroad patrols the highways seven days a week during the winter.

What is Mainroad doing to prepare for a winter storm?

We tackle winter head-on starting with monitoring forecasts and proactively patrolling the Central Alberta Contract Maintenance Area.
Mainroad has the ability to deploy resources to pre-treat roads and highways with winter materials and/or anti-icing chemicals in advance of a forecasted weather event and to prevent the bonding of snow and ice to the highway surface. Pre-treatment is only effective for certain types of weather events and is used as required and in accordance with our government contract.  
The proactive use of an anti-icing liquid is a proven way to combat ice from forming on the highway surface. This technique is used throughout most highway maintenance jurisdictions in North America, as well as some municipalities in Alberta.

During severe weather events, we will have as many as 100 crew members working in shifts through a 24-hour period – and we’ll do that daily until all provincial highways in our Central Alberta Contract Maintenance Areas meet our contractual requirements.

To keep the public informed, Mainroad shares regular road and weather updates with a list of various stakeholders, Transportation and Economic Corridors, 511 Alberta, and media. This helps everyone stay up to date on latest road conditions, expected weather and Mainroad’s response. These updates are also posted on our X (formerly known as Twitter) account, @MainroadAlberta.

Whenever a weather event occurs, such as snowfall, freezing rain,  Mainroad crews would work around the clock plowing, sanding and/or salting the roads as conditions warrant, while also patrolling the service areas. 

What is the snow removal protocol?

Mainroad begins snow removal before accumulation reaches the maximum threshold on the highway surface based on highway classification in accordance with our government contract. The highway surface is maintained throughout any winter weather event to ensure accumulations remain below the specified contractual standard. Winter maintenance activities continue 24/7 during and following snowstorms until the highways we maintain are restored to good winter driving conditions as defined by our contract obligations.

Why are some roads plowed more than others? Which highways get plowing priority?

The Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors sets the criteria for Mainroad’s plowing response time based on highway classification. Priority is given to highways with higher classifications, such as major commuter routes with the majority of traffic.

When winter hits, we need to keep roads as clear as possible. We understand that it can be frustrating when all roads aren’t cleared immediately during and following any weather events, and we ask for your patience as we work around the clock to restore the roads as quickly as possible. If a storm is particularly fierce, our crews are mandated to focus on priority roads before turning to roads that have less traffic volume.

Adhering to the Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors’ priority approach allows Mainroad to make the best use of resources to keep roads as safe and reliable as possible.  If you’re wondering why it’s taking a while to get a plow along your road, you can call us at our 24-hour hotline is 1-877-875-3263.

The roads are icy from snow and wind – why aren’t crews sanding the road?

During periods of high wind conditions, snow can drift in an instant and a road can be
covered again in snow within minutes of a snowplow passing and clearing it. A cold winter wind can also impact icy road conditions.

To restore traction during winter operations, crews are applying sand and/or a sand-salt blend. However, during periods of high wind conditions, applied material can be blown off the road. Depending on the road and weather conditions, applying winter salt can create a greater hazard as the road surface can then become wet and allow snow to stick. As such, Mainroad treats each winter storm differently, depending on a number of factors, including wind conditions, road temperature and snow fall rates.

During winter operations, road crews are working tirelessly through all types of weather conditions to patrol for road hazards and to apply winter materials as conditions warrant.

During extreme weather conditions that include whiteout conditions, it is advisable that drivers avoid travel until road conditions improve. Before heading out, check 511 Alberta for the up-to-date conditions in your local area.

I have seen Mainroad snowplows going down the road that were not treating the roads with plows or spreading materials, why is that?

Mainroad plows are working around the clock during winter operations, and all plows are assigned plow routes within the Contract Maintenance Area. Should you see a snowplow truck with its blade up, there may be a number of reasons why this is occurring:

  1. The operator is heading to an assigned plow route to begin the shift;
  2. The operator is returning to the yard to reload winter materials or has reached the end of the shift;
  3. During windy conditions, the operator may be patrolling the highway looking for areas of drifting snow. As such, the front plow would be raised until the next section of snow has been found, at which point the plow would be lowered to clear the highway. Materials will only be applied when road and weather conditions warrant;
  4. Plow blades are made of steel with carbide inserts– as the carbide wears out, the operator is required to check them frequently and may need to return to the yard to change out the blades.

What is purpose of a wing plow during winter operations?

Many of Mainroad’s plow trucks are fitted with truck-mounted wing plows, which are situated on the passenger side of the truck. Depending on the unit, they are either 9 or 10 feet long and operate at about a 35-degree angle from the truck. This provides 6 to 7 feet of additional plow width, permitting one truck to do the work efficiently where before the work was done by two trucks. These plows sweep rather than cut and are intended for snow clearing.

Mainroad crews also operate a fleet of trucks that are mounted with dual-wing plows, enabling a left-hand wing to perform snow removal.–These trucks are typically utilized on the fast lane of a multi-lane highway.

Drivers should exercise caution when approaching any snowplows, and never attempt to pass on the right. You may not see the wing due to snow removal in progress, and even with the brightest warning lights, the truck operator may not see you.

Snowplowing is performed at speeds of 40-60 km/h–often less than that–so please be patient when following a snowplow. The operator will move over to let you pass when it is safe to do so.

Who ensures the work is being done properly?

Mainroad has a vigorous quality management program in place to track our performance against contract requirements.

Mainroad uses digital data collection to track and report on maintenance activities such as pothole fixes, garbage bin maintenance, and snow and ice control. Mainroad equipment also has Automatic Vehicle Location System (AVLS), which allows us to track and record our trucks in real-time and to quickly re-deploy the nearest available units when the need arises. The public can view the location of snowplows and winter maintenance vehicles on Alberta 511.

Mainroad has dedicated quality management staff who audit our performance regularly to assess compliance with our government contract. Should areas of concern be detected, measures are put in place to deal with shortcomings, and processes are quickly modified to prevent recurrence. Mainroad’s quality assurance programs are compliant with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards.

Transportation and Economic Corridors also inspects and audits Mainroad’s performance regularly to ensure that we are in compliance with contract requirements.

What materials does Mainroad use for winter road maintenance and when are these materials applied?

We use three types of materials:

  • winter abrasive (sand/salt blend)
  • anti-icing liquids
  • granulated road salt

The use of a specific material is determined by the weather forecast, road temperatures, actual weather conditions, and in accordance with the standards set by Transportation and Economic Corridors.

During a typical winter we will use approximately:

  • 15,000 Tonnes of Salt (1,700 truckloads)
  • 42,000 Tonnes of Sand (5,000 truckloads)
  • 2 Million Litres of Brine (300 truckloads)

Anti-icing Liquids: The proactive use of an anti-icing liquid is a proven way to combat ice from forming on the highway surface. This technique is used throughout most highway maintenance jurisdictions in North America, as well as some municipalities in Alberta.

WHAT IS LIQUID BRINE? Our liquid anti-icing brine is a combo of water & crystal salt. Only during extreme cold do we use a small amount of calcium chloride as an additive to our liquid brine. Anti-icing liquids are used as a preventative material prior to snowfall. Using liquid brine solutions prior to snow or frost is proven to be more effective than salt because it begins to work immediately to prevent the formation of ice. Learn more about Mainroad’s liquid anti-icing brine program

What is Mainroad doing to respond to changing conditions during a storm event?

During a storm event, Mainroad crews will be working to clear the highway surfaces as quickly as possible. Snow removal activities are prioritized based on highway classification. Mainroad applies appropriate winter materials based on prevailing weather and road conditions. Salt is spread to melt snow and ice and prevent it from sticking to the highway. However, salt loses its effectiveness at temperatures below -15 degrees Celsius. Sand is spread to provide traction on slippery highway surfaces, especially when it is too cold for salt to be effective. When weather conditions permit, we will commence anti-icing operations to facilitate removal of any compact snow off service area highways and roads. 

We work to restore good winter driving conditions as quickly as possible after the weather event is over, prioritizing our winter maintenance and clean-up activities based on highway classification. However, challenging weather and cold temperatures may delay restoration of good winter driving conditions despite the best efforts of highway maintenance crews. During every storm event, Mainroad provides 511 Alberta with regular updates on highway conditions.

Where can I direct concerns about road conditions to Mainroad Alberta Contracting?

Mainroad Alberta Contracting

We appreciate public feedback!  If you come across a highway situation in Central Alberta that requires maintenance, changing road conditions, or debris, please call toll free 1-877-875-3263.  Please be as descriptive as possible.

Mainroad’s Call Centre is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Call Centre Operators will record all public feedback and forward the information to our crews on shift to respond, as well as dispatch additional personnel, and update 511 Alberta.    

You can also email Mainroad at:

Social media –We regularly post road and weather updates on our social media accounts. Please note: Mainroad’s Twitter account is not monitored 24/7, so it is best to contact our 24-hour hotline at 1-877-875-3263.

We welcome you to follow us on social media—Mainroad Alberta Contracting currently maintains a X (formerly known as Twitter) account: @MainroadAlberta


Where can I find news about Mainroad?

Please visit our recent news page

Why do we see some of the trucks with blue revolving lights?

Mainroad Alberta is currently a part of the trial for the use of blue lights for highway maintenance vehicles in the province of Alberta. The purpose of the blue lights is to improve highway safety by increasing visibility of road maintenance vehicles working on Alberta highways. We have installed blue lights on a variety of different units, including pickup trucks and plow trucks. Please remember to provide extra space around maintenance vehicles and workers, exercise caution when approaching any snowplows, and never attempt to pass snowplows on the right. Blue flashing lights will only be turned on when road maintenance vehicles are being used for highway construction, inspection, maintenance and safety investigations conducted on behalf of Alberta’s Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors.

What provincial regulations do I need to be mindful of when driving near roadside workers and highway maintenance vehicles?

Did you know that according to Alberta’s Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB), there were 2,229 injuries involving workers being struck by a vehicle between 2014 and 2018?

Thankfully, some much-anticipated changes have come into effect since September 1st, 2023 to Alberta’s roads and highways to better protect the safety of roadside workers. These changes will require drivers in the lane closest to a stopped roadside worker vehicle with lights flashing to move over to the far lane to give workers extra space. Drivers that cannot safely do so must slow to at least 60 km/h, or the posted speed limit – whichever is lower. In addition, drivers will also be required to take reasonable steps to allow other drivers to move over.

Speeding fines have now also doubled for non-compliant drivers that pass by any stopped vehicle with its flashing lights activated. The driving public can expect fines of $243 and three demerits for not moving over and not allowing other drivers to move over to give more space for roadside workers.

There has also been growing public concerns about safe driving around snowplows in the region. Between March 2018 and March 2021, there were approximately 130 collisions involving snowplows contracted by Transportation and Economic Corridors. During the winter of 2022-23 alone, there were 37 collisions involving a government-contracted snowplow. To address these public safety challenges, drivers could face penalties of $342 and three demerits for unsafe passing of snowplows in the province of Alberta.

Here’s what you can do to stay safe during winter driving conditions:

Visit 511 Alberta |

  • For current road conditions
  • For weather forecasts
  • For real-time conditions via webcams

be Fall and winter weather can be unpredictable. During these months, we tend to experience all types of driving conditions, including snow, high winds, heavy rain, fog, and icy conditions.

Listen and watch for road condition and weather reports and don’t travel if you don’t have to during severe weather events.

man scraping snow from windshieldVisit the Alberta Motor Association | Road Safety in Extreme Winter Weather

Give your vehicle a winter check-up and equip your family with a winter survival kit in the car so you and your loved ones will not caught off guard when weather conditions deteriorate.

We encourage drivers to choose the best winter tires possible when driving in snow and ice, and to ensure tires are in good condition, with a minimum tread depth of 3.5 mm.

Click here to learn how you can test your tires with the toonie test.

We recommend drivers to equip their cars with emergency survival kits that include non-perishable food, blankets and first-aid supplies, windshield scraper and snow brush, extra windshield washer fluid, fuel line antifreeze, flares and matches or lighter, tire chains and gloves, shovel and traction mat, sand or kitty litter, flashlight and extra batteries, battery jumper cables, spare tire wheel wrench and jack, extra clothing and footwear and sandbags for extra weight. 

Visit the Province of Alberta’s emergency preparedness resource page | Learn how you and your family can prepare yourselves for an emergency or disaster.

Click here to learn about avalanche safety | Kananaskis Country, Alberta Parks

Driving during winter driving conditions

Conditions change and so should the way you drive. Please SLOW DOWN, increase the distance between yourself and the vehicle in front of you, and drive according to the changing road and weather conditions.

show down when conditions aren't ideal

Snowplow Safety Tips | Give time and space to the vehicles at work for you

Mainroad encourages the public to drive with caution around snowplow operations – when there’s ice and snow, take it slow!

Watch Alberta Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association’s Safer Winter Highways to learn more about snow plow safety.

Snowplows Safety Do’s and Don’t’s

Do……Turn on your head and taillights during heavy snow or rain, even during the day.

Do……Use winter-rated snow tires with the mountain-snowflake symbol.

Do……Watch for the flashing amber lights. It can be difficult to see snow removal equipment.

Do……Give snowplows plenty of space – about 10 car lengths. Salt and winter abrasives, as well as rocks and other debris in the snow, can fly – hitting nearby vehicles and decreasing visibility.

Do……Remember the road surface ahead of the plow hasn’t been plowed yet, therefore please slow down and be patient. The operator will eventually pull over when it is safe to do so to allow motorists to pass, so take your time, wait and be safe.

Do……Pull safely as far over to the right when you see a snowplow approaching from the opposite direction along an undivided highway. That way, you will be clear of any salt or winter abrasives.

Do……Give the snowplow operator a wave when they pull over to let you pass. They are doing the job for you!

Don’t……Assume the snowplow operator can see you, especially if you’re driving too close and visibility is poor (which it often is in snowstorms). Your best defense is to keep your distance.

Don’t……Pass snowplows. It is simply not safe. When drivers attempt to pass a plow truck, they put themselves, their passengers, the snowplow operator and other motorists at risk. The plow could be equipped with a wing blade on its left or right side, which can be obstructed by the snow it’s throwing. The plow also may be the first of a series of two to four more plows, staggered diagonally across the road to clear all lanes simultaneously. This practice is called Echelon Plowing and would require the unwise driver to make multiple unsafe passes.

Don’t……Tailgate. Tailgating any vehicle puts you at risk of a collision; tailgating a piece of heavy equipment armed with plows only ups the consequences.

Drivers may not be aware…Snowplows must travel slower than regular traffic when pushing snow and spreading salt and winter abrasives.

Snowplows stop at railway crossings to ensure it is safe to cross and that the plow blade will clear the track.

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