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Mainroad signs first highway maintenance contract in Alberta.


Mainroad signs first highway maintenance contract in Alberta.

November 13, 2012 | Surrey, BC – Mainroad Chinook Contracting has secured its first operations and maintenance contract to provide highway maintenance services for the future Stoney Trail SE ring road in Calgary, Alberta.

The Southeast Stoney Trail (SEST) Project is a public-private partnership (P3) between the Alberta Government and Chinook Roads Partnership. The SEST Project is one of the largest single P3 highway infrastructure projects in Alberta’s history and construction of the Stoney Trail SE ring road is anticipated to be completed in late 2013. Background information is available online at

“SEST is Mainroad’s first highway maintenance contract outside of British Columbia and our first engagement with the Government of Alberta,” says David Ching, Vice President of Mainroad’s Business Development. “This contract represents a spring board for venturing into other business opportunities in Alberta and elevates our P3 business portfolio. Our Mainroad Group is looking forward to working with the Alberta Government.”    Learn more