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Mainroad Group

Health, Safety, Quality & Environment

Health, Safety, Quality, and Environment (HSQE)

Mainroad aims to be a safety leader in our industry.  Mainroad Group Health and Safety Policy

Some of our HSQE program initiatives include:


Mainroad Safety

From Left: Assistant Deputy Minister, Dave Duncan, Corporate Compliance Manager, Mainroad Group, Bob Nielsen, Deputy Minister, Grant Main

We are leaders in the prevention of injury and ill health in our workplace. Our goal is to see our coworkers and friends go home each day without injury. We develop and initiate safe and efficient solutions to mitigate hazards through dialogue and cooperation within all levels of the organization. Safety is everyone’s priority.

Certificate of Registration ISO 45001 Safety Management System


Mainroad Group companies are committed to complying with all relevant environmental legislation and operating in a manner that minimizes the impact on the environment.

Mainroad Group Environmental Policy

Certificate of Registration ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System

Training Days

Mainroad operating companies organize spring and fall training days which usually coincide with seasonal changes. A full day’s agenda will include a wide range of training topics related to the environment the employee will be working in. All employees are required to complete this training along with a written exam.


Safety Alert and Near Miss communications are distributed throughout all companies when there has been a safety infraction or a near miss within the organization. Safety Alerts or Near Misses are also released when there has been a major safety infraction reported by WorkSafe, BC or Alberta’s Road Builder and Heavy Construction Association or other industry news.

Return to Work Program

While safety is a priority at Mainroad, accidents do happen. To encourage our employees to report injuries and to ensure their recovery, we have implemented a Return to Work program. For those injured on the job, this step-by-step plan focuses on the employee’s ability to return or stay at work in the safest manner possible. Employees may be given modified job duties for an indeterminate amount of time if they are able to stay at work but are unable to complete their regular work.

Our Team

While all Mainroad staff have an integral part of safety in their work environment, the following positions have a safety focus:

Corporate Health, Safety, Sustainability, and Environment Manager

The Corporate HSSE Manager develops and implements Quality, Safety and Environmental related programs, processes, procedures and controls. This role directs and oversees the safety function to ensure a safe workplace and that quality products and services are utilized.

Corporate Safety Advisor

The Corporate Safety Advisor implements programs, processes, procedures and controls to ensure the proper adherence to corporate safety programs within operating companies. The main focus for this position is on safe workplace and work practices for employees, projects and services provided by Mainroad Group.

Corporate Quality Manager

The Corporate Quality Manager provides the planning, organization, direction, coordination, and control to ensure the proper operation of the Quality, Safety and Environmental function within Mainroad’s operating companies.

Bob Nielsen, Corporate Compliance Manager and Mainroad recognized at 2014 NAOSH Week Safety Forum and Awards Luncheon

A letter from Deputy Minister Grant Main, BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure_January 16, 2014