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Mainroad Group

Your roads – your team, linking communities and families.

The Mainroad Group is an employee-owned company with a diverse portfolio of award winning businesses offering unparalleled expertise to solve any infrastructure need in the communities in which we live and work.

BC Infrastructure Services

BC Infrastructure Services

Highway asset management, road & bridge maintenance, civil construction, commercial general contracting and traffic management businesses.

Alberta Infrastructure Services

Alberta Infrastructure Services

Highway asset management, road & bridge, maintenance businesses.

Electrical Infrastructure Services

Electrical Infrastructure Services

Full-service electrical contracting and maintenance businesses including specialized expertise serving the transportation sector.

Infrastructure Products

Infrastructure Products

Mainroad supplies high performance road maintenance & construction products; EZ Street Asphalt, ready mix concrete, and is a leading supplier of de-icing salt in B.C.
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Our Companies

Our Vision: “To be Canada’s highway maintenance and infrastructure services contractor of choice, working with our partners to connect our communities today and in the future.”

Cobra Electric
Mainroad Corporate Office
Cobra Electric
Cobra Electric
Cobra Electric Services
Mainroad Fraser Maintenance
G & E Contracting
Cobra Electric
Raylec Alberta
Mainroad Alberta Contracting
Mainroad Lower Mainland
Cobra Electric Regional Services
Mainroad Chinook Contracting
Cobra Electric
Mainroad Maintenance Products
Cobra Electric
Mainroad Mid-Island Contracting
Cobra Electric
Mainroad North Island Contracting
Cobra Electric Interior Services
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Our History

1988 Mainroad Established

Mainroad Contracting Ltd.

Mainroad History

Mainroad Mid Island Contracting Ltd.
began operating.

Mainroad North Island Contracting Ltd.
began operating.

Mainroad East Kootenay Contracting History

Mainroad East Kootenay
Contracting Ltd. began operating.


Mainroad Lower Mainland
Contracting Ltd. became
ISO Certified.

Mainroad History

Mainroad Howe Sound Contracting
Ltd. began operating.

Mainroad Mid Island Contracting
Ltd. dissolved.

Mainroad North Island Contracting
Ltd. dissolved.

Mainroad History

Mainroad Pavement Marking Ltd.
began operating.

Mainroad South Island
Contracting Ltd. began operating.

Salvador Ready Mix History

Mainroad Group acquires
Salvador Ready Mix Concrete Ltd.

Mainroad Maintenance Products

Mainroad Maintenance
Products Ltd. began operating.

Mainroad Transtronic Services History

Mainroad Transtronic
Services Ltd. established.

G&E Contracting History

Mainroad acquires G&E

SPR Traffic Services History

Mainroad acquires SPR Traffic

EZ Street History

Mainroad secures Canada-
wide license to produce,
sell and distribute EZ
Street Premium Cold
Asphalt known as EZ Street

onTime Sales History

OnTime Sales and Leasing

Mainroad History

Mainroad Infrastructure
Maintenance established.

Raylec Power History

Mainroad acquires
Raylec Power.

MCC History

Mainroad Chinook
Contracting began operating.

MFM History

Mainroad Fraser
Maintenance established.

Raylec Alberta History<br />

Raylec Power Alberta

Mainroad History

Mainroad Howe Sound
Contracting dissolved.

Mainroad Alberta Contracting History

Mainroad Alberta
Contracting began

Mainroad Mid-Island
Contracting began

Mainroad North Island
Contracting began

Mainroad History

Mainroad Infrastructure
Maintenance dissolved.

Mainroad South Island
Contracting dissolved.

Cobra Electric History

Cobra Electric Services
Ltd. and Cobra Electric
Regional Services Ltd. acquired

Mainroad History

Mainroad Pavement
Marking dissolved.

Cobra Electric Interior History

Cobra Electric Interior
Services established.