by Mainroad Group | Aug 12, 2015 | Mainroad Group Corporate News
Mainroad Howe Sound Contracting has been contracted to work on the current joint replacement on the Lions Gate Bridge. Safety of the travelling public is the Ministry’s and Mainroad’s highest priority. Visit TranBC for Project Updates The Ministry issued the...
by Mainroad Group | Jul 9, 2015 | Mainroad Group Corporate News
Police share top excuses given by impaired drivers During the summer months, one person is killed every three days in impaired-related crashes in B.C. That’s why the B.C. government, ICBC and police will be kicking off the CounterAttack campaign on July 1st to...
by Mainroad Group | Jul 9, 2015 | Mainroad Group Corporate News
Summer brings increased traffic to our roads and highways. Mainroad reminds motorists and residents to slow down and move over for highway maintenance and all roadside workers. It’s the law. Watch for Cone Zones within the Lower Mainland, Howe Sound, South Vancouver...
by Mainroad Group | May 19, 2015 | Mainroad Group Corporate News
Find out how you can help roadside workers stay safe when driving in the Cone Zone by visiting Three simple acts help save lives. Every day thousands of workers in British Columbia are depending on drivers to keep control of their vehicle in a Cone...
by Mainroad Group | May 13, 2015 | Mainroad Group Corporate News
Failing to yield the right-of-way, speeding, unsafe lane changes, tailgating and ignoring traffic control devices… These are the high-risk driving behaviours police will be cracking down on this May long weekend on B.C. roads as part of a month-long campaign....
by Mainroad Group | Apr 1, 2015 | Mainroad Group Corporate News
According to ICBC, every Easter long weekend, an average of three people are killed and 670 injured in 2,300 crashes in B.C.* If you’re planning a road trip with family or friends this weekend, do your part to keep our roads safe by making smart choices behind...