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Shift into Winter with Victoria Royals, Kal Tire and Mainroad
Shift into winter with Victoria Royals, Kal Tire and Mainroad Mainroad is hosting a Shift into Winter public outreach event at the Victoria Royals hockey game scheduled Friday, October 19th, 2018 at Save on Foods Memorial Centre. Doors open at 6:00 pm. Pick up some...

Better road conditions coming to Vancouver Island
For Immediate Release Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure | August 24, 2018 New maintenance contracts have been awarded for two service areas to ensure better highway conditions for Vancouver Island drivers. The contract for Service Area 02, which is...
Cone Zone BC 2018 Photo Contest Winner
We have a #ConeZoneBC 2018 Photo Contest winner! Congratulations to Kelly Barrette - you and your family win a Playstation 4. Thanks for helping us promote roadside safety at the Cloverdale Rodeo. Special thanks to everyone that participated in Mainroad's Go Kart...
MRC Total Build contracted by Province to build new CVSE facility in Delta
A new inspection facility is being built in Delta, which will improve working conditions for Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement (CVSE) staff, speed up inspection times for truck drivers, with a goal of boosting safety for everyone travelling on B.C.’s highways...
Trans Canada Highway Alternate Route Information
May 24, 2018 Drive BC reports that #BCHwy1 #Malahat #Goldstream closed due to a vehicle incident. Now expected to re-open sometime between Midnight and 2 AM but please check @DriveBC for the latest updates. Please visit or follow...

Please Slow Down and Move Over for all roadside workers
Did you know that there are two types of road side work sites?