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Mainroad Group

Media Centre

Welcome to Mainroad Group’s Media Centre – a trusted source for information – latest news releases, videos, photos, FAQs and other shareable resources. For more information, contact Mainroad Group Communications at (604) 575-7020 or You can also connect with us on social media.

Media Note: Where possible, please credit: “Mainroad” when publishing photos or videos – much appreciated!

British Columbia

Mainroad East Kootenay

East Kootenay

B.C. MoTI Service Area 11

Mainroad Lower Mainland

Lower Mainland

B.C. MoTI Service Area 6

Mainroad Mid Island Contracting

Vancouver Island

B.C. MoTI Service Areas 2 & 3


Mainroad East Kootenay

Central Alberta

Alberta Transportation | CMA 515 & 516

Recent News

Mainroad Group experiencing rapid growth!

We are in a period of rapid growth and have dozens of exciting job opportunities available throughout the company! In less than two years, Mainroad Group have established four new companies to its business portfolio. Over the past five years, we have expanded our...

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Cone Zone season has arrived. Slow down and pay attention.

Every day tens of thousands of workers in British Columbia are depending on drivers, like you, to keep control of your vehicle in a Cone Zone. If you are driving through a roadside work zone, you have a legal responsibility to drive safely. Failure to do so can result...

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Know and follow BC’s Slow Down, Move Over Law

Know and follow BC’s Slow Down, Move Over Law

Drivers are required to slow down and move over when approaching vehicles with flashing amber, red or blue lights such as first responders, tow trucks, maintenance workers, utility workers, garbage collectors and landscapers. When in a speed zone of 80km/h or over,...

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