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Mainroad Group

Media Centre

Welcome to Mainroad Group’s Media Centre – a trusted source for information – latest news releases, videos, photos, FAQs and other shareable resources. For more information, contact Mainroad Group Communications at (604) 575-7020 or You can also connect with us on social media.

Media Note: Where possible, please credit: “Mainroad” when publishing photos or videos – much appreciated!

British Columbia

Mainroad East Kootenay

East Kootenay

B.C. MoTI Service Area 11

Mainroad Lower Mainland

Lower Mainland

B.C. MoTI Service Area 6

Mainroad Mid Island Contracting

Vancouver Island

B.C. MoTI Service Areas 2 & 3


Mainroad East Kootenay

Central Alberta

Alberta Transportation | CMA 515 & 516

Recent News

Keep Our Highway Crews Safe: Slow Down

Keep Our Highway Crews Safe: Slow Down

Please slow down for highway crews. As we slowly transition out of winter and into spring, more Mainroad equipment will be out on the roads. When there isn't snow on the ground, you can find Mainroad performing bridge washing, sweeping, shoulder grading, paving work,...

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First time driving in the winter?

First time driving in the winter?

Is this your first time, or are you new to, driving in winter? Winter conditions can be challenging even for the most experienced of drivers. Whether this be your first year with a license or your twentieth— the weather can change rapidly, and conditions can become...

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Snowplow do’s and don’ts for motorists

Snowplow do’s and don’ts for motorists

Remaining safe is a joint responsibility.  When you see a snow plow, salt or sand truck on the road, please proceed with caution. Snow plows are built to remove large volumes of snow and ice and that means we're packing alot of weight.  Our eyes are on the road, the...

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