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Mainroad Group

Media Centre

Welcome to Mainroad Group’s Media Centre – a trusted source for information – latest news releases, videos, photos, FAQs and other shareable resources. For more information, contact Mainroad Group Communications at (604) 575-7020 or You can also connect with us on social media.

Media Note: Where possible, please credit: “Mainroad” when publishing photos or videos – much appreciated!

British Columbia

Mainroad East Kootenay

East Kootenay

B.C. MoTI Service Area 11

Mainroad Lower Mainland

Lower Mainland

B.C. MoTI Service Area 6

Mainroad Mid Island Contracting

Vancouver Island

B.C. MoTI Service Areas 2 & 3


Mainroad East Kootenay

Central Alberta

Alberta Transportation | CMA 515 & 516

Recent News

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Mainroad Group observing National Day for Truth and Reconciliation On October 2nd, all the Mainroad operating businesses in Alberta and British Columbia will observe the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (NDTR) as a statutory holiday (day in lieu of September...

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Time to Shift into Winter soon ~ are you winter-ready?

Time to Shift into Winter soon ~ are you winter-ready?

Time to Shift into Winter soon ~ are you winter-ready? Conditions change. So should your speed. Slow down Winter driving can more than double your risk of being in a crash in BC. Conditions change and so should your speed. Slowing down can save your life – and the...

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Mainroad Shifts into Winter with OK Tire

Mainroad Shifts into Winter with OK Tire

Mainroad is delighted to be partnering with OK Tire as part of our 2023/24 Shift into Winter campaign.  Mainroad Vancouver Island & East Kootenay Operations will be hosting winter driving awareness events with local hockey teams, the Alberni Valley Bulldogs (Oct...

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