by Mainroad Group | Jan 4, 2016 | Mainroad Group Corporate News
Winter is here so we’re reminding everyone to please drive safe especially when approaching a highway maintenance vehicle. When drivers attempt to pass a plow truck, they put themselves, their passengers, the truck operator and the driving public at risk. Keep a safe...
by Mainroad Group | Jan 4, 2016 | Mainroad Group Corporate News
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Cranbrook, BC | January 4, 2016. In response to some recent information reported by local media concerning our winter operation activities, Mainroad East Kootenay Contracting would like to clarify the following: The safety of the travelling...
by Mainroad Group | Dec 30, 2015 | Mainroad Group Corporate News
Mainroad is often asked which streets get plowing priority, how often we plow and apply the use of salt and winter abrasive. It’s important for everyone to know that Mainroad’s plowing response time is determined by the standards set by the Ministry of Transportation...
by Mainroad Group | Dec 30, 2015 | Mainroad Group Corporate News
ICBC urges drivers to plan safe rides for NYE & shares best tales from designated drivers CounterAttack road checks are on during the holiday season to help keep impaired drivers off our roads. The B.C. government, police and ICBC have launched a month-long...
by Mainroad Group | Dec 30, 2015 | Mainroad Group Corporate News
During fall and winter driving conditions, Mainroad is committed to the safety of motorists and residents. Be prepared for all types of changing road conditions. Whether you’re driving in heavy rain, fog, snow or icy conditions, it’s important that you and your...
by Mainroad Group | Nov 30, 2015 | Mainroad Group Corporate News
Mainroad Group Employees held their Lower Mainland Christmas Party on Friday, November 27th and in keeping with tradition, organized a 50/50 draw supporting a local charity. The BC Society of Transition Houses was selected by the Social Committee and together we...